Featured eBook
A hair-raising must-read expose on MK-Ultra Mind Control, Satanic Cults and International Child Trafficking, by one of the bravest women alive.
The Watchtower and the Masons
Springmeier's first book, which takes on the unaknowledged links between Jehovah's Witnesses founder, Charles T. Russell, and the Masons.
Be Wise As Serpents
One of the classic books in exposing the Cult of the Beast. Be Wise As Serpents is written from the perspective of historical spiritual-warfare against the Christian Church.
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create a Total Mind Controlled Slave
Dedicated to the victims of Monarch-type trauma-based mind control.
Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula
Dedicated to the victims of Monarch-type trauma-based mind control.
They Know Not What They Do
Cisco Wheeler's hard-to-find self-illustrated expose of Monarch mind control.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati
A densely packed read, filled with information contending that 13 satanic bloodlines have been secretly vying for control of the world ...