'Come Now, And Let Us Reason Together', Says Yahweh - Isaiah 1:18


July, 2024, By thiswisefool


Sometimes when you sit down for lunch alone with your thoughts, you get much more than you bargained for. Take the other day. There I was innocently munching away on my egg and sausage bap when out of the blue I was struck by a most surprising realisation, something so startling that it was enough to make me drop my bap and gasp out in wonder at the sheer nefariousness of Organised Evil in this world, and especially in my native homeland of Ireland.


(No one has ever accused me of thinking small).


What came to me that lunchtime was the sudden recognition that the old cultural trope of Alien Invasion – scary aliens invading our world - has in some ways already come true. At least for those of us living here and now in the collapse of Western Civilisation, otherwise known as the Last Days.


To put it bluntly - in a very real sense our homelands have already been invaded by aliens, have they not?





Who doesn’t recall all those movies over the years about alien invasions of planet Earth? It seems like there have been hundreds of them, released over and over like an hypnotic suggestion. We’ve had decades of the same fantastical story being fed to us about aliens coming to our world and whipping our asses, just because they could.


And do you recall, in these alien invasion movies, the typically common image of crowds gathered to welcome our extra-terrestrial friends to Earth, not knowing that our scaly visitors intend to conquer our world? How some people in these crowds would always be seen – shown to us – holding up signs of welcome?


‘You are welcome here!’ they yell naively, hopefully, wokefully, before the aliens death-ray their lives into smoke and ashes.







Isn’t this incredibly reminiscent of events happening in our countries right now?





This picture come from the previous year of so, one of hundreds of such pictures available in a simple image search of the internet. Woke people in woke crowds marching for the rights of immigrants at a time when immigration has become one of the most contentious issues in the West.


At least that’s how the mass media would write it – ‘one of the most contentious issues in the West’.


I prefer to call it for what it is – an outright fake alien invasion of the Western World.


By alien, of course, I mean the original definition of the word – foreigner.


alien ~ noun

1. a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country

2. anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found


For more than two years now, almost every government of the West, including Ireland, has inexplicitly opened their nation’s borders while feigning a sudden inability to stop the resulting massive influx of illegal aliens.


At the same time, and without the consent of the indigenous people of these Western nations, governments and billionaire-funded NGOs have been sending out siren calls across the social media of the entire Third World, luring millions by the free offerings of our now-open developed nations. Free housing. Free social welfare. Free medical care. Free travel. Free education. Free money. Just come and get it!


And boy, are they coming to get it.





To the average person still living in La-La-Land – that is, anyone who still trusts their government and the mass media and continues to allow these forces to shape their every-day opinions – these words must already be sounding like some kind of unlikely and bigoted rant.


But then, in La-La-Land, anything not ‘Nice’ is considered to be bigoted.


In La-La-Land, which resembles a soap-opera crossed with a reality-TV show crossed with endless 24-hour fake news, life is all about feelings. Emotions rule even above the practicalities of reality. Reality? How Old World. In this New World Order of ours where we ‘make our own reality’, where we ‘can do anything we put our minds to’, where all it takes is a little love and positive thinking to save the day – who needs real reality when we can shape our very own, dependant on nothing but how we feel?


People in La-la-Land have been shown nothing but a romanticised narrative of the invasion from one side only, the side of the invaders, focused upon the dangerous plight of these desperate people trying to enter our countries illegally. People are shown children crying and hungry. People are shown children drowning at sea. Their heart-strings couldn't be more obviously played with. Nor their guilt-strings.


Never mind that encouraging this mass migration to our lands only encourages more people to come here, leading to more poor children drowning at sea.


Never mind that most of these people are not the women and children we are shown by the news but single, undocumented men arriving illegally from just about everywhere and without any identification whatsoever – meaning they could be just about anything.


Never mind that we don’t have enough money, housing, schools, hospitals, doctors, dentists and everything else needed to suddenly accommodate all of these new arrivals.


Never mind that we haven't given our consent.


Never mind any of that, all aliens are welcome!



This is how it swings in La-La-Land’s all-encompassing Religion of Nice.


Undoubtedly, any readers of this blog still living in La-La-Land will already have been triggered by these words. ‘Triggering’, remember, is the result of being programmed, of being conditioned to have knee-jerk emotional responses to certain issues; no real thoughts, just feelings. According to mainstream programming, the appropriate knee-jerk reaction here is that I must be a Far-Right Racist to even think of these things, never mind write them.


Yet who are the real racists here?





With the alien invasion still ongoing, top Irish politicians have been telling the people of Ireland that their country is much ‘too white’, and that being ‘too white’ is inherently a racist thing.






We see these same sentiments being repeated by woke woke politicians across the West. Maybe I’m being too sensitive here, but being called ‘too white’ as though it’s a bad thing sounds just about as racist as you can be in public in this day and age. It certainly doesn’t sound very Nice. And this is said to the native people of Ireland, who far from having enjoyed some kind of mythical ‘White Privilege’ over the centuries, have instead suffered through 800 years of colonisation, white slavery and outright genocide from famine and poverty. 800 years of colonisation and still counting ...


Imagine, if you will, the ANC in South Africa telling their people that their country is too black, because being too black is a bad thing, and that really they need to welcome in many more white folk to live amongst them, so that the white folk can fill all those jobs like policing and nursing and street-sweeping that native black people are too lazy/too greedy to do themselves? Oh, and if they have any problem with any of this then they are racist, and could be arrested for hate crime.


Yet this is exactly what’s being said to the native Irish, and not just by government but by media, by George-Soros-funded NGOs, by Churches, Corporations, Institutions and every person of whatever political persuasion who is still drinking from the poisonous cup of the mainstream.


We are being called racist by anti-white racists.


This propaganda offensive against rational discourse is part of the invasion itself.


If I really am a Far-Right Racist – which is the media’s not-so-subtle way of inferring that someone with my opinions must be a Nazi - then how would you explain the fact that my favourite musician is Bob Marley, my favourite music, classic Reggae, my internationally published Fantasy series of novels written around a black protagonist, and my political leanings fiercely anti-fascist, anti-supremacy, anti-bully? Fascism - 'Might is Right' - is Satanism by yet another name. As a Christian, how could I possibly be Far-Right?





No. There are many long-settled economic immigrants in Ireland who also reject the latest Tsunami of illegal immigrants arriving at these shores. I have witnessed Polish immigrants with children born here attending protests against the invasion of illegal aliens, fearing for the safety of their families. Time after time I’ve seen ‘Black Irish’ defending their fellow Irish by speaking out in social media against this latest Plantation of our island. And I'm speaking as a Planter myself, someone born Protestant Irish.


This is not a matter of bigotry or race or even politics, for all that La-La-Land will try to guilt you into thinking so.


This is a matter of reality.


Which of course is another word for truth.





The fake part of this alien invasion becomes fairly clear just as soon as you look at the matter beyond the La-La-Land of mass media and guilt-politics.


It starts when the Co-Vid scam finally ‘ended’, almost overnight, with a sudden switch to constant rolling news about the war in Ukraine. Remember how weird that was? Two years of the worst trauma-based media brainwashing campaign there has ever been, with the whole world hypnotised by a pandemic of fake news and hysteria that filled our heads with the buzzing words of Co-Vid Co-Vid Co-Vid ... and lockdowns and mask rituals and mandatory 'untested' gene-modification jabs if you wanted to work or go on holiday or even just visit the pub ...





People held captive by the media onslaught, going absolutely nuts because they believed everything the fake news was forcing into their heads ... your own friends and family totally losing it … hey, maybe even you went a little bit crazy yourself …





And then, like waking from a bad dream, it  was over.


Within a day, the media blitz had turned to the war in Ukraine. Suddenly it was Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine, and endless hype about its heroic dictator – I mean President - Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the valiant defence of his country.





At the time, some of us wondered why the war there had suddenly become such a priority to the global powers who own all the media and use it for their ends. It was only when hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian war refugees started pouring into Ireland, after the government had announced – straight-faced – that they would be placing ‘no limits’ to the number of people they would take in, that things started to become a little clearer.


Of course the media bombarded us with stories about war refugees in desperate plights designed to pull on our heart-strings and our guilt-strings. No one spoke about the realities on the ground for the Irish people themselves.


With all sympathy to those who truly are fleeing a desperate situation for a better one (who can fault anyone for doing that?) in the world of Really Real Reality (R³?), many of the Ukrainian families who we have welcomed have come from all over the vast country of Ukraine - not only the war-torn parts in the east. Which I suppose explains how they are able to keep hopping back home to Ukraine for holidays, including Christmas holidays, while claiming refugee status from a war. In reality, many have come here not because of conflict but for largely economic reasons.


What the Ukrainian migration achieved was a morally-sanctified beachhead for all the Third World aliens that were to start arriving here hot on their heels. Hiding behind the benevolent mask of taking in refugee families fleeing war, Ireland has since been inundated by massive waves of ‘asylum seekers’, single foreign men supposedly fleeing from persecution.


Yet strangely, almost none of them are coming from countries where there are any conflicts or persecutions happening.


Aided by the noxious ‘NGO’s’ under their fake social justice banners, hundreds of thousands of these illegal aliens are simply flying into Dublin airport and declaring that they have destroyed their passports and are seeking asylum from persecution. Their proof of persecution? Well we don’t ask them for any proof (that would hardly be Nice). And it turns out, to get to live in Ireland is as simple as that.


(Try that yourself next time you fly to any country in the world – declaring you have destroyed your passport upon arrival and have no ID - and see what happens).


Not so long ago, people trying to enter our country illegally with no Identification whatseover were treated as, well, criminals and a potential threat to our safety. But, just like the newer generations of professional beggars now found on the streets of Ireland (as opposed to the very real beggars who actually need our help), they have learned to have a sob-story to tell instead of just chancing their arm with the public. I lost my bus money and just need £3 to get home. I’m fleeing from persecution and need to be let into your country.


In our Brave New World, illegal aliens are no longer criminals or a potential threat to our security. Now they are merely victims in need of help.


And victims, of course, deserve to be treated Nicely.





Seeing as how these illegal arrivals have no documents and so no identities and so could be anyone at all, from criminals to rapists to madmen to simple economic chancers, the Irish government has rather sensibly chosen to distribute these hundreds of thousands of foreign, single, unvetted men of fighting age throughout every community in Ireland, right down to the smallest of villages, right in there in every house and hotel and hostel and empty building now given over to their needs - to the degree where some native communities are now outnumbered by mysterious foreign migrants.


Single foreign men of military age with nothing to do all day, no work and no women, just hanging around in their tax-payer-paid accommodations on their phones and TVs hour after hour, watching who-knows-what though no doubt exposed to social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok, where videos of mostly-naked white women in bikinis cavorting in parks or on water-slides appears to be the dominant theme of the Summer …




Not surprisingly (at least to the Planners behind all of this) stalkings and sexual assaults of native girls and women are being reported everywhere. Everywhere except in the mainstream news.


Many Irish women now openly talk of being afraid to walk the streets of their previously peaceful communities.


Worst of all, a spate of attempted child snatching by invading aliens is taking place across the land, from streets and gardens in broad daylight, further terrorising the indigenous population.





Crime rates by foreign nationals are soaring, from organised shop-lifting to the robbery of churches to the stabbings of children and outright murders.


Native people are locking their doors where before they never had to.


There are no longer any safe spaces.





Neither are any homes left for the Irish.


With a housing market incentivised by government to favour renting to migrants over local Irish people (rents paid by government – aka tax payers - on behalf of migrants are tax exempt), Ireland finds herself in the situation of being possibly the first country in the world where there are no longer any houses available to rent across the entire country for indigenous people, not even social housing.


Yes, it’s true. Last year, in a country of 5 million people, the number of properties registered to rent in the entire country was around 850. 850 properties for 5 million people! And you can imagine the rents for those few available properties. Talk to any Irish person about housing and they will say the same thing. There’s nowhere to rent. This is why local indigenous people and families are going homeless, even as new ‘refugee villages’ spring up across the land exclusively for foreign-nationals.





Incredibly, Irish people are even being forced by extortionate rents out of their homes only to be immediately replaced by refugees or illegal immigrants.





Because we have been swamped by ridiculous numbers of foreign nationals almost overnight, all local services are now desperately struggling to cope. There are massive waiting lists for dentists and doctors, even for the most serious of medical conditions. ER’s are over-run.


Essential jobs in tourism are being lost due to most of the hotels and hostels having been turned over to immigrants. Other jobs are being selectively given to the new arrivals, while our own young people flee to Australia for lack of housing and employment opportunities in their own country.


In schools, Irish children are outnumbered in their classrooms by non-native children who speak no English.


As always, it's the poor and ‘working classes’ who are taking the brunt of diminishing local services. Yet because of this, the poor and working classes are leading the native resistance to the invasion.







When you look at alien invasion movies and TV shows broadcast over the years, you do, surprisingly, start to see a link between extra-terrestrial invaders and the theme of human immigration. What is going on here?





Look at that old 90s TV SF show, Alien Nation. The entire focus was upon extra-Terrestrial aliens living amongst us as unwanted immigrants – with all the soap opera dramas that ensue when two cultures collide. Racism against the aliens was a central theme of the show.


Other SF shows like Star Trek constantly reflect the same theme, irrational bigotry towards the alien. 


Or take a gander at this recent article from those paragons of truth, the American nbc news:





Here we see more calls of racism in relation to alien invasion. But now, supposedly, the very idea of alien invasion can be a racist one.


There appears to be cultural engineering at play here by master programmers. The alien invasion trope has been used to ever-so-subtly program us into equating criticisms of ‘outsider invasion’ as being inherently bigoted and hysterical.


Cultural enginnering is another name for brainwashing. And brainwashing is another name for magic. And magic is another name for lying convincingly.


We have become spellbound by their lies.


I think I can see it now. Firstly, how the programmers laid the unconscious part of their spell by subtly implying, over and over, that it is bigoted and hysterical to resist foreign invasion - in the form of Science Fiction Aliens, of all things. Then later, when this hidden conditioning was properly in place, the unconscious became conscious, the ficitonal became real. We really are being invaded by aliens, and alongside this reality comes the conscious part of their programming - a propaganda offensive which tells us over and over that anything but absolute worship of these strangers amongst us - give them everything - give them our houses - let's even allow them to vote! - anything less than absolute worship of these strangers is racism and Far-Far-Right of the Pale of Nice.


And so we become mesmerised by our own conditioned minds We are held captivated by their programming.   


What's interesting is how subversive their magic happens to be, since fear of the stranger is a perfectly natural human instinct to have. Even young children exhibit this fear, much like they do with snakes and Trannies. Our Creator has equipped us with this perfectly healthy instinct in order to protect us from certain dangers of the fallen world we live in, where wolves foerever roam about looking for sheep to fleece and slaughter and sexually abuse. Strangers should rightfully, naturally, earn our trust before we drop our cautions towards them. Often a smile and a handshake will do - just looking a person in the eye.


Yet this basic common-sense caution of people we don't know has been subverted and turned upside down. In this New World of rainbows and unicorns where real evil doesn't even exist, fear of the stranger is now a paranoid knee-jerk response based on bigotry. We must be Nice!

By this slow erosion of reality, people have been brainwashed into welcoming, even defending, their own conquest as a sovereign people - aptly parroting the treasonous sentiments of their government. To acknowledge that you are being invaded is to be racist. To defend your homeland against unwanted arrivals is racist - indeed to be patriotic in any way is to be Far-Right, so you are doubly racist.


The bigot card is perhaps the most potent, and therefore important, weapon that the enemy has at their disposal, having crafted it in our minds over a great number of years. With it, they have weaponised our own minds against us.


For years they have been playing the bigotry card over and over, from gay marriage to Tranny tyranny, from abortions to illegal aliens. Refuse to accept the Rainbow Ideology of Diversity, and you are a Bad Person Worthy To Be Screamed At In Public. You are not Nice.







Yes, for anyone with eyes to see, this is an invasion of our land. Every day we lose more of our sovereignty, our cultural integrity, our Irishness, along with our homes and our resources and our young ones having to leave ...


These illegals are fake aliens, in that the vasy majority are pretending to seek refuge from violence and war in a fake humanitarian ‘crises’.


This is a quite real, quite literal invasion of our world (the West), by fake aliens. But all of it is being done under the guise of humanitarianism and the victimhood of the invaders, while the conquered are silenced by guilt and smears.


Who would have ever thought of it but the Father of Lies himself - all of Western Christian Civilisation falling to such a daft, diabolical scheme?


It must be the weirdest invasion of all time. Like the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan sweeping through Europe not as an army on horseback but as a vast, organised begging gang sanctioned by our own governments.


And the invaded dare not even call it an invasion, for fear of being labelled a bigot.





Why is all of this happening? Why would our own governments act with such hostility towards their own people? Why would they flood us with mass immigration in such a brutal and hypocritical manner so obviously intended to pit race against race, people against people?


This madness only begins to make sense when we recognise that our own government is working against us and our own country’s interests.


Our government has now moved beyond the post-modern stage of simply being sold out to larger global interests. To put it bluntly, our government is now an Occupation Government, and these professional nobodies-in-suits are overseeing the creative, strategic destruction of our nation and way of life on behalf of those global interests.


In other words, your politicians are traitors. If this sounds overly-dramatic, then what do you call a leading Irish politician openly announcing in the Irish Parliament that the government "wants nothing to do with the backwards-looking idea of sovereignty".





These sold-out nobody-politicos are destroying our countries intentionally. It is quite obvious if you just care to look. They are destroying the cohesive fabric of our traditional Irish Christian culture, while gaslighting us with Coincidence Theories about how it’s all just, like, happening by accident, and what can possibly be done about it?


Look at Britain, where we see how the once-mighty Royal Navy, the Rulers of the Waves, no longer supposedly even has the means of stopping some overcrowded rubber dingies from crossing the most heavily-surveiled six-mile stretch of water on Planet Earth. Even the British police and army are powerless to defend the English coastline from rubber dingies filled with civilians trying to enter their country illegally. Better hope all those people are Nice! But they must all be Nice, since Instead of defending the harbours, the British police welcome the new illegal arrivals to whatever sleepy harbour they arrive in, where the local Bobbies politely (Nicely) load them onto coaches so they can be taken to the nearest available hotel where they can sign up for gravy train. The videos of this are right there on the internet.


I wonder why they don’t just fly in like they do in Ireland, therefore avoiding all this drama at sea?





But it gets worse. This is not just a material affair, a political affair. This situation very much involves the spiritual.


Despite how bizarre and wacky this next statement will sound to the sane yet uninitiated reader, our politicians, much like mainstream celebrities, are not at all who they pretend to be.


Behind their everyday masks of slimy woke Niceness, most of these professional politicians are practicing members of occult secret societies, while the very worst of them are even – wait for it – involved in Satanic covens. Yes, I really do mean Satanic. And if they're not involved directly, then most are blackmailed slaves of these occultists, blackmailed largely through sexual honey-traps involving young children. Think Jeffrey Epstein or the State Intelligence-linked Kincora Boy's Home scandal in east Belfast. And they have been given positions of power in order to push through the occult covert agenda of their globalist masters, who own nearly every country through their Central Banks, and are in fact practising generational Luciferians themselves.


You know all those wacky memes about famous people really being Satanic child-sacrificing pedo-cannabals? Well, guess what, that isn't all just Far-Right bigotry after all.


This fallen world is weirder and darker than we can possibly imagine …





Have you caught on to these hidden-out-in-the-open gang signs of modern life yet? That we already live in a rapidly emerging Satanic New World Order? Did the recent Satanic Eurovision Song Entry ‘from’ Ireland suggest anything to you about the Satanic New World Order culture we now find ourselves trapped within?






Or how about the number of murdered babies after the first year that abortion was legalised here in the traditionally Christian country of Ireland, widely reported in the mainstream press as being 6666?





6666? What are the odds that the number of babies murdered in the first year of legalised abortion would just happen to be this Satanically-important number? Or is this simply more Coincidence Theory at play?


I really doubt it.





Don't believe me? Go check out some of the free books in our Open Research Library or our Deeper Research Library. And check out this testimony of a Dutch Ex-Banker who blew the whistle, a courageous man now mysteriously dead.





Again, as bizarre and wacky as this will obviously sound – behind the smiley Niceties, behind the professional gaslighting, our politicians are part of a Satanic Occupation Government (SOG?) that is following an agenda to literally destroy and enslave us. They are all secretly in it together, the creeps. They are all part of a network of cultists covertly linked through covens, secret societies and national Intelligence Agencies ('The Deep State'), and supported by the wealthiest families on the planet, trillionaires who own all the media and corporations and pretty much everything else worth owning – even the power to print money out of nothing through their Central Banking System (aka The Beast System). And these occultists appear united in following an insane agenda, centuries old, which aims to create a One World Government through the destruction of the Old World, in other words the destruction of our cultures and our countries, by attacking and undermining the very ideas of race, religion, nation and family. They also intend to cull a great many people while they're doing it. The end result, like some Apocalyptic SF movie, is to have a tiny ‘elite’ ruling like gods over what remains of humanity, with a single charming figure as their global ‘king’, who will arrive just in time to solve all the problems they themselves have created.


For Christians, this figure is known as the final ‘Antichrist’.


This is the secret war against us. With all of global media in their hands (what I now recognise as The Image of the Beast in Revelation), they have brainwashed us so thoroughly that this is the first conquest in history in which the conquered have no idea they are being conquered. Indeed many of the conquered openly welcome their conquest.


Even more bizarrely, this is all reminiscent of prophecies foretold in the Book of Revelation.





In the Book of Revelation, the last book found in the Holy Bible, we are given glimpses of the Last Days which seem eerily in line with what is happening today.


In this instance, with the fake alien invasion, I'm reminded of Revelation 9, where a plague of locusts is described as coming out of the smoke of the abyss. The abyss is the prison of the fallen angel Abaddon/Apollyon, but somehow it has just been opened. Abaddon in Hebrew means destruction and ruin. Apollyon means destroyer.


I am reminded of this prophecy because of the nature of locusts – how they migrate to lands where they devour every crop in sight. In other words how they harvest the crops of people’s labours, which is certainly what this present massive army of migrants are doing right across the West.


In Revelation, these locusts are described as having the faces of men.


They are given power to torment the people of the earth with the stings of their tails.


They are like soldiers rushing to war.


They have crowns on their heads – meaning they have been given authority to do what they do.


Their king is the fallen angel of the abyss, Apollyon the destroyer.


The reason I mention Scripture is because we are very clearly in the Last Days, something which even non-believers are beginning to sense, at least indistinctly. The prophecies of Revelation are lining up with world events in the most surprising, unexpected ways – nothing like the real-life Holywood-style special effects spectaculars that we were expecting. Maybe the locusts of Revelation were never going to be something as far-out as bug-eyed monsters roaming the streets for terrified human victims to sting. Maybe, too, all that talk of a Project Bluebeam holographic alien invasion has been so much distraction from reality. Maybe we’ve been trained to look at everything in a super-hyped cartoonish manner, even with Bible prophecies, so that when these things really do happen, the invasion of our lands by man-sized locusts for instance, we do not see it at all...


Whether you see it or not, though, the Last Days are accelerating. Already we have had the White Horse of Co-Vid and the Jab, and further specific prophecies are unfolding every day .


Now, it seems that a Destroyer has been released from an abyss (Cern, anyone?), and his hordes of stinging locusts are devouring and tormenting the 'Christian West'.


These spiritual events are rippling out into our material reality.







If this is ultimately a spiritual war between good and evil, which I know it is, then what can we do to defend ourselves and our families and our communities? How can we stop the unstoppable?


In Scripture, we're told that those who have a love of truth will be saved in the Last Days. If you've managed to read this far, then you're probably already a dedicated seeker of what's really going on in this world. So you know how truth holds tremendous power and potential in our lives. For one thing, truth helps to keep us sane in an increasingly insane environment, and to stay focused on the fight between right and wrong. Ultimately, truth leads us to the living Christ.


But for those who do not love truth in the Last Days, they will believe in a Strong Delusion instead, and will go mad from it. They will become Satanic.


I believe this has already been happening for some years now, even amongst the church-going 'Elect'. For decades the media, the Image of the Beast, has been casting a Strong Delusion over the nations of the entire world by gradually turning reality into unreality. In the process, it has reshaped every one of us into the image, the character, of the Beast. But now the process of slowly engineering us to become antichrist is no longer a subtle one. Now we have arrived. Now the Satanic nature of mainstream Cult-ure is fullblown in-your-face everywhere.


If the one thing we do is unplug from the matrix by withdrawing from the brainwashing media - including its vast entertainment culture - then we will already have done much to save ourselves. To help others by persuading them to do the same thing is even better. Because let's not beat about the bush here - at this point, our media culture has become an openly poisonous cup overflowing with sin and deception. To continue drinking from it is to poison your soul.


'Come out of her my people, so you do not share in her sins or suffer her plagues.'   


Come away from the whole Satanic mainstream Cult-ure, also called La-La-Land, and find something nourishing and worthwhile to take its place. Why even listen to these endless nobodies paid all that money to preen before the cameras while they gaslight us professionally, telling us lies that make us doubt the truth of our own senses, weaving their collective spells over our minds by endlessly repeating the same deceptions over and over and over again until we eventually become the opposite of what we were meant to be. Switch it all off, live wholly in the real world again, and use discernment in whatever media you do expose yourself to, limiting the bad and focusing on the good.


You will find your soul clearing like blue skies.


In Revelation, the beloved Apostle John also tells us that only those marked on their foreheads with the seal of God shall be spared. This is an echo of those righteous few in ancient Jerusalem, who were marked and saved from God's wrath because they were appalled by the corruption and lies of the people around them. Alongside love of truth, then, we must also be righteous in our ways, and compassionate to our enemies, and obedient to the will of God.


In End Times like these, the most strategic move we can make in our defence is to rally to God for our salvation. All further actions, like a wellspring of living waters, will then flow forth from our faith in Christ, becoming blessed because they are in accordance with God's will.







July, 2024




July, 2024 By thiswisefool






Sometimes when you sit down for lunch alone with your thoughts, you get much more than you bargained for. Take the other day. There I was innocently munching away on my egg and sausage bap when out of the blue I was struck by a most surprising realisation, something so startling that it was enough to make me drop my bap and gasp out in wonder at the sheer nefariousness of Organised Evil in this world, and especially in my native homeland of Ireland.


(No one has ever accused me of thinking small).


What came to me that lunchtime was the sudden recognition that the old cultural trope of Alien Invasion – scary aliens invading our world - has in some ways already come true. At least for those of us living here and now in the collapse of Western Civilisation, otherwise known as the Last Days.


To put it bluntly - in a very real sense our homelands have already been invaded by aliens, have they not?





Who doesn’t recall all those movies over the years about alien invasions of planet Earth? It seems like there have been hundreds of them, released over and over like an hypnotic suggestion. We’ve had decades of the same fantastical story being fed to us about aliens coming to our world and whipping our asses, just because they could.


And do you recall, in these alien invasion movies, the typically common image of crowds gathered to welcome our extra-terrestrial friends to Earth, not knowing that our scaly visitors intend to conquer our world? How some people in these crowds would always be seen – shown to us – holding up signs of welcome?


‘You are welcome here!’ they yell naively, hopefully, wokefully, before the aliens death-ray their lives into smoke and ashes.








Isn’t this incredibly reminiscent of events happening in our countries right now?






This picture come from the previous year of so, one of hundreds of such pictures available in a simple image search of the internet. Woke people in woke crowds marching for the rights of immigrants at a time when immigration has become one of the most contentious issues in the West.


At least that’s how the mass media would write it – ‘one of the most contentious issues in the West’.


I prefer to call it for what it is – an outright fake alien invasion of the Western World.


By alien, of course, I mean the original definition of the word – foreigner.


alien ~ noun

1. a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country

2. anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found


For more than two years now, almost every government of the West, including Ireland, has inexplicitly opened their nation’s borders while feigning a sudden inability to stop the resulting massive influx of illegal aliens.


At the same time, and without the consent of the indigenous people of these Western nations, governments and billionaire-funded NGOs have been sending out siren calls across the social media of the entire Third World, luring millions by the free offerings of our now-open developed nations. Free housing. Free social welfare. Free medical care. Free travel. Free education. Free money. Just come and get it!


And boy, are they coming to get it.





To the average person still living in La-La-Land – that is, anyone who still trusts their government and the mass media and continues to allow these forces to shape their every-day opinions – these words must already be sounding like some kind of unlikely and bigoted rant.


But then, in La-La-Land, anything not ‘Nice’ is considered to be bigoted.


In La-La-Land, which resembles a soap-opera crossed with a reality-TV show crossed with endless 24-hour fake news, life is all about feelings. Emotions rule even above the practicalities of reality. Reality? How Old World. In this New World Order of ours where we ‘make our own reality’, where we ‘can do anything we put our minds to’, where all it takes is a little love and positive thinking to save the day – who needs real reality when we can shape our very own, dependant on nothing but how we feel?


People in La-la-Land have been shown nothing but a romanticised narrative of the invasion from one side only, the side of the invaders, focused upon the dangerous plight of these desperate people trying to enter our countries illegally. People are shown children crying and hungry. People are shown children drowning at sea. Their heart-strings couldn't be more obviously played with. Nor their guilt-strings.


Never mind that encouraging this mass migration to our lands only encourages more people to come here, leading to more poor children drowning at sea.


Never mind that most of these people are not the women and children we are shown by the news but single, undocumented men arriving illegally from just about everywhere and without any identification whatsoever – meaning they could be just about anything.


Never mind that we don’t have enough money, housing, schools, hospitals, doctors, dentists and everything else needed to suddenly accommodate all of these new arrivals.


Never mind that we haven't given our consent.


Never mind any of that, all aliens are welcome!






This is how it swings in La-La-Land’s all-encompassing Religion of Nice.


Undoubtedly, any readers of this blog still living in La-La-Land will already have been triggered by these words. ‘Triggering’, remember, is the result of being programmed, of being conditioned to have knee-jerk emotional responses to certain issues; no real thoughts, just feelings. According to mainstream programming, the appropriate knee-jerk reaction here is that I must be a Far-Right Racist to even think of these things, never mind write them.


Yet who are the real racists here?





With the alien invasion still ongoing, top Irish politicians have been telling the people of Ireland that their country is much ‘too white’, and that being ‘too white’ is inherently a racist thing.



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We see these same sentiments being repeated by woke politicians across the West. Maybe I’m being too sensitive here, but being called ‘too white’ as though it’s a bad thing sounds just about as racist as you can be in public in this day and age. It certainly doesn’t sound very Nice. And this is said to the native people of Ireland, who far from having enjoyed some kind of mythical ‘White Privilege’ over the centuries, have instead suffered through 800 years of colonisation, white slavery and outright genocide from famine and poverty. 800 years of colonisation and still counting ...


Imagine, if you will, the ANC in South Africa telling their people that their country is too black, because being too black is a bad thing, and that really they need to welcome in many more white folk to live amongst them, so that the white folk can fill all those jobs like policing and nursing and street-sweeping that native black people are too lazy/too greedy to do themselves? Oh, and if they have any problem with any of this then they are racist, and could be arrested for hate crime.


Yet this is exactly what’s being said to the native Irish, and not just by government but by media, by George-Soros-funded NGOs, by Churches, Corporations, Institutions and every person of whatever political persuasion who is still drinking from the poisonous cup of the mainstream.


We are being called racist by anti-white racists.


This propaganda offensive against rational discourse is part of the invasion itself.


If I really am a Far-Right Racist – which is the media’s not-so-subtle way of inferring that someone with my opinions must be a Nazi - then how would you explain the fact that my favourite musician is Bob Marley, my favourite music, classic Reggae, my internationally published Fantasy series of novels written around a black protagonist, and my political leanings fiercely anti-fascist, anti-supremacy, anti-bully? Fascism ('Might is Right') is Satanism by yet another name. As a Christian, how could I possibly be Far-Right?






No. There are many long-settled economic immigrants in Ireland who also reject the latest Tsunami of illegal immigrants arriving at these shores. I have witnessed Polish immigrants with children born here attending protests against the invasion of illegal aliens, fearing for the safety of their families. Time after time I’ve seen ‘Black Irish’ defending their fellow Irish by speaking out in social media against this latest Plantation of our island. And I'm speaking as a Planter myself, someone born Protestant Irish.


This is not a matter of bigotry or race or even politics, for all that La-La-Land will try to guilt you into thinking so.


This is a matter of reality.


Which of course is another word for truth.





The fake part of this alien invasion becomes fairly clear just as soon as you look at the matter beyond the La-La-Land of mass media and guilt-politics.


It starts when the Co-Vid scam finally ‘ended’, almost overnight, with a sudden switch to constant rolling news about the war in Ukraine. Remember how weird that was? Two years of the worst trauma-based media brainwashing campaign there has ever been, with the whole world hypnotised by a pandemic of fake news and hysteria that filled our heads with the buzzing words of Co-Vid Co-Vid Co-Vid ... and lockdowns and mask rituals and mandatory 'untested' gene-modification jabs if you wanted to work or go on holiday or even just visit the pub ... 







People held captive by the media onslaught, going absolutely nuts because they believed everything the fake news was forcing into their heads ... your own friends and family totally losing it … hey, maybe even you went a little bit crazy yourself …






And then, like waking from a bad dream, it  was over.


Within a day, the media blitz had turned to the war in Ukraine. Suddenly it was Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine, and endless hype about its heroic dictator – I mean President - Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the valiant defence of his country.






At the time, some of us wondered why the war there had suddenly become such a priority to the global powers who own all the media and use it for their ends. It was only when hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian war refugees started pouring into Ireland, after the government had announced – straight-faced – that they would be placing ‘no limits’ to the number of people they would take in, that things started to become a little clearer.


Of course the media bombarded us with stories about war refugees in desperate plights designed to pull on our heart-strings and our guilt-strings. No one spoke about the realities on the ground for the Irish people themselves.


With all sympathy to those who truly are fleeing a desperate situation for a better one (who can fault anyone for doing that?) in the world of Really Real Reality (R³?), many of the Ukrainian families who we have welcomed have come from all over the vast country of Ukraine - not only the war-torn parts in the east. Which I suppose explains how they are able to keep hopping back home to Ukraine for holidays, including Christmas holidays, while claiming refugee status from a war. In reality, many have come here not because of conflict but for largely economic reasons.


What the Ukrainian migration achieved was a morally-sanctified beachhead for all the Third World aliens that were to start arriving here hot on their heels. Hiding behind the benevolent mask of taking in refugee families fleeing war, Ireland has since been inundated by massive waves of ‘asylum seekers’, single foreign men supposedly fleeing from persecution.


Yet strangely, almost none of them are coming from countries where there are any conflicts or persecutions happening.


Aided by the noxious ‘NGO’s’ under their fake social justice banners, hundreds of thousands of these illegal aliens are simply flying into Dublin airport and declaring that they have destroyed their passports and are seeking asylum from persecution. Their proof of persecution? Well we don’t ask them for any proof (that would hardly be Nice). And it turns out, to get to live in Ireland is as simple as that.


(Try that yourself next time you fly to any country in the world – declaring you have destroyed your passport upon arrival and have no ID - and see what happens).


Not so long ago, people trying to enter our country illegally with no Identification whatseover were treated as, well, criminals and a potential threat to our safety. But, just like the newer generations of professional beggars now found on the streets of Ireland (as opposed to the very real beggars who actually need our help), they have learned to have a sob-story to tell instead of just chancing their arm with the public. I lost my bus money and just need £3 to get home. I’m fleeing from persecution and need to be let into your country.


In our Brave New World, illegal aliens are no longer criminals or a potential threat to our security. Now they are merely victims in need of help.


And victims, of course, deserve to be treated Nicely.






Seeing as how these illegal arrivals have no documents and so no identities and so could be anyone at all, from criminals to rapists to madmen to simple economic chancers, the Irish government has rather sensibly chosen to distribute these hundreds of thousands of foreign, single, unvetted men of fighting age throughout every community in Ireland, right down to the smallest of villages, right in there in every house and hotel and hostel and empty building now given over to their needs - to the degree where some native communities are now outnumbered by mysterious foreign migrants.


Single foreign men of military age with nothing to do all day, no work and no women, just hanging around in their tax-payer-paid accommodations on their phones and TVs hour after hour, watching who-knows-what though no doubt exposed to social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok, where videos of mostly-naked white women in bikinis cavorting in parks or on water-slides appears to be the dominant theme of the Summer …





Not surprisingly (at least to the Planners behind all of this) stalkings and sexual assaults of native girls and women are being reported everywhere. Everywhere except in the mainstream news.


Many Irish women now openly talk of being afraid to walk the streets of their previously peaceful communities.


Worst of all, a spate of attempted child snatching by invading aliens is taking place across the land, from streets and gardens in broad daylight, further terrorising the indigenous population.






Crime rates by foreign nationals are soaring, from organised shop-lifting to the robbery of churches to the stabbings of children and outright murders.


Native people are locking their doors where before they never had to.


There are no longer any safe spaces.





Neither are any homes left for the Irish.


With a housing market incentivised by government to favour renting to migrants over local Irish people (rents paid by government – aka tax payers - on behalf of migrants are tax exempt), Ireland finds herself in the situation of being possibly the first country in the world where there are no longer any houses available to rent across the entire country for indigenous people, not even social housing.


Yes, it’s true. Last year, in a country of 5 million people, the number of properties registered to rent in the entire country was around 850. 850 properties for 5 million people! And you can imagine the rents for those few available properties. Talk to any Irish person about housing and they will say the same thing. There’s nowhere to rent. This is why local indigenous people and families are going homeless, even as new ‘refugee villages’ spring up across the land exclusively for foreign-nationals.







Incredibly, Irish people are even being forced by extortionate rents out of their homes only to be immediately replaced by refugees or illegal immigrants.





Because we have been swamped by ridiculous numbers of foreign nationals almost overnight, all local services are now desperately struggling to cope. There are massive waiting lists for dentists and doctors, even for the most serious of medical conditions. ER’s are over-run.


Essential jobs in tourism are being lost due to most of the hotels and hostels having been turned over to immigrants. Other jobs are being selectively given to the new arrivals, while our own young people flee to Australia for lack of housing and employment opportunities in their own country.


In schools, Irish children are outnumbered in their classrooms by non-native children who speak no English.


As always, it's the poor and ‘working classes’ who are taking the brunt of diminishing local services. Yet because of this, the poor and working classes are leading the native resistance to the invasion.






REAL Magic is lying convincingly


When you look at alien invasion movies and TV shows broadcast over the years, you do, surprisingly, start to see a link between extra-terrestrial invaders and the theme of human immigration. What is going on here?






Look at that old 90s TV SF show, Alien Nation. The entire focus was upon extra-Terrestrial aliens living amongst us as unwanted immigrants – with all the soap opera dramas that ensue when two cultures collide. Racism against the aliens was a central theme of the show.


Other SF shows like Star Trek constantly reflect the same theme, irrational bigotry towards the alien. 


Or take a gander at this recent article from those paragons of truth, the American nbc news:






Here we see more calls of racism in relation to alien invasion. But now, supposedly, the very idea of alien invasion can be a racist one.


There appears to be cultural engineering at play here by master programmers. The alien invasion trope has been used to ever-so-subtly program us into equating criticisms of ‘outsider invasion’ as being inherently bigoted and hysterical.


Cultural enginnering is another name for brainwashing. And brainwashing is another name for magic. And magic is another name for lying convincingly.


We have become spellbound by their lies.


I think I can see it now. Firstly, how the programmers laid the unconscious part of their spell by subtly implying, over and over, that it is bigoted and hysterical to resist foreign invasion - in the form of Science Fiction Aliens, of all things. Then later, when this hidden conditioning was properly in place, the unconscious became conscious, the ficitonal became real. We really are being invaded by aliens, and alongside this reality comes the conscious part of their programming - a propaganda offensive which tells us over and over that anything but absolute worship of these strangers amongst us - give them everything - give them our houses - let's even allow them to vote! - anything less than absolute worship of these strangers is racism and Far-Far-Right of the Pale of Nice.


And so we become mesmerised by our own conditioned minds We are held captivated by their programming.   


What's interesting is how subversive their magic happens to be, since fear of the stranger is a perfectly natural human instinct to have. Even young children exhibit this fear, much like they do with snakes and Trannies. Our Creator has equipped us with this perfectly healthy instinct in order to protect us from certain dangers of the fallen world we live in, where wolves foerever roam about looking for sheep to fleece and slaughter and sexually abuse. Strangers should rightfully, naturally, earn our trust before we drop our cautions towards them. Often a smile and a handshake will do - just looking a person in the eye.


Yet this basic common-sense caution of people we don't know has been subverted and turned upside down. In this New World of rainbows and unicorns where real evil doesn't even exist, fear of the stranger is now a paranoid knee-jerk response based on bigotry. We must be Nice!

By this slow erosion of reality, people have been brainwashed into welcoming, even defending, their own conquest as a sovereign people - aptly parroting the treasonous sentiments of their government. To acknowledge that you are being invaded is to be racist. To defend your homeland against unwanted arrivals is racist - indeed to be patriotic in any way is to be Far-Right, so you are doubly racist.


The bigot card is perhaps the most potent, and therefore important, weapon that the enemy has at their disposal, having crafted it in our minds over a great number of years. With it, they have weaponised our own minds against us.


For years they have been playing the bigotry card over and over, from gay marriage to Tranny tyranny, from abortions to illegal aliens. Refuse to accept the Rainbow Ideology of Diversity, and you are a Bad Person Worthy To Be Screamed At In Public. You are not Nice.









Yes, for anyone with eyes to see, this is an invasion of our land. Every day we lose more of our sovereignty, our cultural integrity, our Irishness, along with our homes and our resources and our young ones having to leave ...


These illegals are fake aliens, in that the vasy majority are pretending to seek refuge from violence and war in a fake humanitarian ‘crises’.


This is a quite real, quite literal invasion of our world, (the West), by fake aliens. But all of it is being done under the guise of humanitarianism and the victimhood of the invaders, while the conquered are silenced by guilt and smears.


Who would have ever thought of it but the Father of Lies himself - all of Western Christian Civilisation falling to such a daft, diabolical scheme?


It must be the weirdest invasion of all time. Like the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan sweeping through Europe not as an army on horseback but as a vast, organised begging gang sanctioned by our own governments.


And the invaded dare not even call it an invasion, for fear of being labelled a bigot.





Why is all of this happening? Why would our own governments act with such hostility towards their own people? Why would they flood us with mass immigration in such a brutal and hypocritical manner so obviously intended to pit race against race, people against people?


This madness only begins to make sense when we recognise that our own government is working against us and our own country’s interests.


Our government has now moved beyond the post-modern stage of simply being sold out to larger global interests. To put it bluntly, our government is now an Occupation Government, and these professional nobodies-in-suits are overseeing the creative, strategic destruction of our nation and way of life on behalf of those global interests.


In other words, your politicians are traitors. If this sounds overly-dramatic, then what do you call a leading Irish politician openly announcing in the Irish Parliament that the government 'want nothing to do with the backwards-looking idea of sovereignty’.



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These sold-out nobody-politicos are destroying our countries intentionally. It is quite obvious if you just care to look. They are destroying the cohesive fabric of our traditional Irish Christian culture, while gaslighting us with Coincidence Theories about how it’s all just, like, happening by accident, and what can possibly be done about it?


Look at Britain, where we see how the once-mighty Royal Navy, the Rulers of the Waves, no longer supposedly even has the means of stopping some overcrowded rubber dingies from crossing the most heavily-surveiled six-mile stretch of water on Planet Earth. Even the British police and army are powerless to defend the English coastline from rubber dingies filled with civilians trying to enter their country illegally. Better hope all those people are Nice! But they must all be Nice, since Instead of defending the harbours, the British police welcome the new illegal arrivals to whatever sleepy harbour they arrive in, where the local Bobbies politely (Nicely) load them onto coaches so they can be taken to the nearest available hotel where they can sign up for gravy train. The videos of this are right there on the internet.


I wonder why they don’t just fly in like they do in Ireland, therefore avoiding all this drama at sea?





But it gets worse. This is not just a material affair, a political affair. This situation very much involves the spiritual.


Despite how bizarre and wacky this next statement will sound to the sane yet uninitiated reader, our politicians, much like mainstream celebrities, are not at all who they pretend to be.


Behind their everyday masks of slimy woke Niceness, most of these professional politicians are practicing members of occult secret societies, while the very worst of them are even – wait for it – involved in Satanic covens. Yes, I really do mean Satanic. And if they're not involved directly, then most are blackmailed slaves of these occultists, blackmailed largely through sexual honey-traps involving young children. Think Jeffrey Epstein or the State Intelligence-linked Kincora Boy's Home in east Belfast. And they have been given positions of power in order to push through the occult covert agenda of their globalist masters, who own nearly every country through their Central Banks, and are in fact practising generational Luciferians themselves.


You know all those wacky memes about famous people really being Satanic child-sacrificing pedo-cannabals? Well, guess what, that isn't all just Far-Right bigotry after all.


This fallen world is weirder and darker than we can possibly imagine …






Have you caught on to these hidden-out-in-the-open gang signs of modern life yet? That we already live in a rapidly emerging Satanic New World Order? Did the recent Satanic Eurovision Song ‘from’ Ireland suggest anything to you about the Satanic New World Order culture we now find ourselves trapped within?



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Or how about the number of murdered babies after the first year that abortion was legalised here in the traditionally Christian country of Ireland, widely reported in the mainstream press as being 6666?






6666? What are the odds that the number of babies murdered in the first year of legalised abortion would just happen to be this Satanically-important number? Or is this simply more Coincidence Theory at play?


I really doubt it.






Don't believe me? Go check out some of the free books in our Open Research Library or our Deeper Research Library. And check out this testimony of a Dutch Ex-Banker who blew the whistle, a brave man now mysteriously dead.





Again, as bizarre and wacky as this will obviously sound – behind all the smiley Niceties, behind all the professional gaslighting, our politicians are part of a Satanist Occupation Government (SOG?) that is follwing an agenda to literally destroy and enslave us. They are all secretly in it together, the creeps. They are all part of a network of cultists covertly linked through covens, secret societies and national Intelligence Agencies ('The Deep State'), and supported by the wealthiest families on the planet, trillionaires who own all the media and corporations and pretty much everything else worth owning – even the power to print money out of nothing through their Central Banking System (aka The Beast System). And these occultists appear united in following an insane agenda, centuries old, which aims to create a One World Government through the destruction of the Old World, in other words the destruction of our cultures and our countries, by attacking and undermining the very ideas of race, religion, nation and family. They also intend to cull a great many people while they're doing it. The end result, like some Apocalyptic SF movie, is to have a tiny ‘elite’ ruling like gods over what remains of humanity, with a single charming figure as their global ‘king’, who will arrive just in time to solve all the problems they themselves have created.


For Christians, this figure is known as the final ‘Antichrist’.


This is the secret war against us. With all of global media in their hands (what I now recognise as The Image of the Beast in Revelation), they have brainwashed us so thoroughly that this is the first conquest in history in which the conquered have no idea they are being conquered. Indeed many of the conquered openly welcome their conquest.


Even more bizarrely, this is all reminiscent of prophecies foretold in the Book of Revelation.





In the Book of Revelation, the last book found in the Holy Bible, we are given glimpses of the Last Days which seem eerily in line with what is happening today.


In this instance, with the fake alien invasion, I am reminded of Revelation 9, in which are described a plague of locusts coming out of the smoke of the abyss. The abyss is the prison of the fallen angel Abaddon/Apollyon, but somehow it has just been opened. Abaddon in Hebrew means destruction and ruin. Apollyon means destroyer.


I am reminded of this prophecy because of the nature of locusts – how they migrate to lands where they devour every crop in sight. In other words how they harvest the crops of people’s labours, which is certainly what this present massive army of migrants are doing right across the West.


In Revelation, these locusts are described as having the faces of men.


They are given power to torment the people of the earth with the stings of their tails.


They are like soldiers rushing to war.


They have crowns on their heads – meaning they have been given authority to do what they do.


Their king is the fallen angel of the abyss, Apollyon the destroyer.


The reason I mention Scripture is because we are very clearly in the Last Days, something which even non-believers are beginning to sense, at least indistinctly. The prophecies of Revelation are lining up with world events in the most surprising, unexpected ways – nothing like the real-life Holywood-style special effects spectaculars that we were expecting. Maybe the locusts of Revelation were never going to be something as far-out as bug-eyed monsters roaming the streets for terrified human victims to sting. Maybe, too, all that talk of a Project Bluebeam holographic alien invasion has been so much distraction from reality. Maybe we’ve been trained to look at everything in a super-hyped cartoonish manner, even with Bible prophecies, so that when these things really do happen, the invasion of man-sized locusts for instance, we do not see it at all...


Whether you see it or not, though, the Last Days are accelerating. Already we have had the White Horse of Co-Vid and the Jab, and further specific prophecies are unfolding every day .


Now, it seems that a Destroyer has been released from an abyss (Cern, anyone?), and his hordes of stinging locusts are devouring and tormenting the 'Christian West'.


These spiritual events are rippling out into our material reality.








If this is ultimately a spiritual war between good and evil, which I know it is, then what can we do to defend ourselves and our families and our communities? How can we stop the unstoppable?


In Scripture, we are told that those who have a love of truth shall be saved in the Last Days. If you've managed to read this far, then you're probably already a dedicated seeker of the truth. So you know how truth holds tremendous power and potential in our lives. For one thing, truth helps to keep us sane in an increasingly insane environment, and to keep fighting on. For those who do not love truth in the Last Days, they will believe in a Strong Delusion, and will go mad from it. They will become Satanic. I believe this has already been happening for some time. The media, the Image of the Beast, has been reshaping people into the image (character) of the beast for years.


If the one thing we do is unplug from the matrix by withdrawing from the brainwashing media - including its entertainment culture - then we will already have done much. To pursuade others to save themselves by doing the same is even better. Because let's not beat about the bush here - our media culture is a poisonous cup of sin and deception. To continue drinking from it is to poison your soul.


'Come out of her my people, so you do not share in her sins or suffer her plagues.'   


Come away from the whole Satanic mainstream cuture. Why even listen to these endless nobodies paid all that money to preen before the cameras while gaslighting us, telling us lies that make us doubt the truth of our own senses, weaving their spells over our minds by endlessly repeating the same deceptions over and over and over again. Switch it all off, live wholly in the real world again, and use discernment in what media you do expose yourself to.


Your mind will clear like a blue sky.


In Revelation, the beloved Apostle John also tells us that only those marked with the seal of God shall be spared. Alongside love of truth must come righteous living and obedience to the will of God.


In Times like these, the most strategic move we can make in our defence is to rally to God for our salvation. All further actions, like a wellspring of living waters, will then flow forth from our faith in Christ, therefore receiving His blessings.







July, 2024