Featured Faith eBook
Clearing a way through the confusion concerning who is truly God's 'chosen people'.
Newest Faith eBooks
Concordant Literal Old Testament
The Concordant Version of the Old Testament, which presents God’s Word as a literal translation, seeking to carry over the Original text through a consistent “concordant” English vocabulary.
The Concordant Version of the New Testament, which presents God’s Word as a literal translation, seeking to carry over the Original text through a consistent “concordant” English vocabulary.
Living Epistles
One of the earliest works on 'The Coming New World Order'. Written by a New Age insider turned Christian armed with some remarkable insights.
Explores a deeper understanding of faith and God's passionate pursuit of faith in the heart of man.
The classic manual on spiritual warfare, War on the Saints is an advanced book for believers on the work of deceiving spirits amongst the children of God, and the Way of Deliverance.
The World English Bible
An open source bible translated by volunteers. Uses the name of Yahweh throughout.
The Septuagint version of the Old Testament and Apocrypha. This is an English translation with various readings and critical notes.
The Normal Christian Life
A study on what is the normal Christian life, and how it differs radically from the life of the average Christian today.
Describing the three ways in which God has spoken His word through the lips of man.
Compiled from the spoken ministry of Mr. Watchman Nee. A guide to maturing in the Christian walk.